Wisconsin Chapter of the International Association of Forensic Nurses
13th Annual Helen Kelly Forensic Conference
May 18th & 19th, 2016
Landmark Resort, Egg Harbor, WI
8-4:30 pm with Continental Breakfast from 7-8 am.
Cost – one of two days for $50 or both days for $85
To register, please direct the nurses to http://www.wiforensicnurses.org and then click on Educational Opportunities.
Day 1
Judith Munaker, JD Help Keep Victims Safe—Understanding the Crime, Trauma & Best Practices in working with victims of Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault, and Elder Abuse & Child Maltreatment.
Va Yang & Pangkau Vang– Hmong American Women’s Association (HAWA) Gender Based Violence in the Hmong Communities
Instructed by: Aurora Health Care Forensic Nursing Leaders
Skills Stations Drug Facilitated Sexual Assault, Anoscopy, Mock SANE Exam, Toluidine Blue Dye, Evidence Collection
The conference is open to all disciplinary members of forensic care.