The mission of the Minnesota IAFN Chapter is to develop and promote excellence in forensic nursing through education and collaborative partnerships
The MN IAFN Chapter started in January 2010
The MN IAFN Chapter has sponsored several conferences and a SANE training.
The Chapter has provided 5-6 education events each year for SANEs and our multidisciplinary partners.
As the chapter grew we were able to provide 3-6 Scholarships for SANEs to attend the IAFN annual conference and other national IAFN events.
We hold elections each year in December and install the newly elected board members at our annual Business meeting in January.
The MN IAFN Board currently consists of – President, Immediate Past President, President-Elect, Secretary/Treasurer, and Education Director.
The MN IAFN Chapter vision statement -
Improve care and long-term health outcomes for victims of violence in Minnesota.