IAFN Information about Clinical Skills Lab

Clinical Education

As discussed in the SANE Education Guidelines, clinical components, including simulated clinical experiences, are to be completed in addition to the didactic (40-Hour) coursework.

Students may arrange their own preceptorship and training locally. Please read the SANE Education Guidelines for additional guidance.

For those looking at training outside their local community, read more about facilities approved by the International Association of Forensic Nurses to provide a 2-day Clinical Skills Training or facilities offering  one-on-one Clinical Preceptorship experiences

ALL students are advised to check with their local Board of Nursing to ensure the clinical education opportunity selected meets any state/territory/province specific requirements for SANE training.

Clinical Skills Labs 2019

Clinical Skills Lab 2019

Course Dates: Saturday and Sunday 0800-1700

February 23 and 24, 2019
April 13 and 14, 2019
May 4 and 5, 2019
October 19 and 20, 2019
November 9 and 10, 2019

Registration form

Have you taken the 40-hour SANE course but still need experience performing medical forensic exams for adult/adolescent sexual assault patients?  If so, this 16-hour IAFN Clinical Skills Lab is for you.

This 16-hour Clinical Skills Lab will provide the nurse hands-on Sexual Assault Examination training with live models.  The Skills lab includes training and practice on pelvic speculum insertion, obtaining a medicolegal history, evidence collection and handling, anoscopy, and photography.  The Skills Lab will provide training and practice with developing a plan of care, discharge/safety planning, and risk assessment for STI’s, pregnancy, and HIV with discussions regarding options for prophylaxis of each.  This Clinical Skills Lab is designed to provide clinical practice to …